Food Pantry & Emergency Assistance
You are not alone. Everybody struggles at different points in their lives and we are here to help. SVdP provides emergency financial assistance and advice about other resources. We also offer food at our local Food Pantry twice a month. We work with people who live, work for at least 20 hours a week, or whose children go to public school in Lincoln or Weston.
Food Pantry
The Food Pantry is located in Lincoln behind St. Joseph Church (142 Lincoln Road, Lincoln MA). We are open by appointment only for two days about every two weeks.
The schedule can be found here.
You’ll be able to choose from a large variety of non-perishable items, paper goods, bakery items, as well as refrigerated and frozen foods including poultry, fish, meats, milk, yogurt, and cheeses. In addition, we provide a lot of fresh fruit and vegetables!
All Pantry dates are by appointment only. We also respond to emergency food requests within 24 hours by meeting the client at the Pantry.
Please contact us to schedule an appointment before coming to the Food Pantry.
Emergency Assistance
We provide financial help in emergency situations and have made payments for things like rent, utilities, car repairs, dental costs, medications and other needs.
Most calls and emails are returned within 24 hours. Two members will arrange to meet with you on a mutually convenient time to learn more about your situation and needs, possibly refer to other organizations, provide resources and if necessary, request financial support for you from our committee.