We serve those in our midst who require food or emergency assistance, or who are seeking guidance about the availability of other resources.

Thank you for all your generous giving this season!
Join our wonderful community!

Thank you Weston Brownies Troop 77261 for your wonderful food drive! (Jan 2025)

We appreciate Weston Brownies Troop 77261! Your help in bringing in all the food donations was awesome! (Jan 2025)

Thank you Weston Brownies Troop 77261 (Jan 2025)

Betsy Ogden delivering food from a collection held at a Lincoln Ridge condo meeting (Jan '25)

Thank you to Lincoln Boy Scouts, troop 127! Your food drive was wonderful and thanks for helping to stock! (Jan 2025)

Thank you for the beautiful wreaths! (Dec 2024)

Christmas goodies for our SVdP families (Dec 2024)

Celebrating the holidays together, the SVdP family (2024)

Festive food pantry volunteers! (Dec 2024)

Gift giving to all our food pantry children ... and extra treats for the adults! (Dec 2024)

Sally and Bob Hicks from the Weston United Methodist Church volunteer at the Food Pantry with Karen Boyce and Patti McGlynn (Nov 2024)

Coats distributed at Thanksgiving (Nov 2024)

Thanksgiving generosity! (Nov 2024)

Thank you for all the donated pies. (Thanksgiving Nov 2024)

Katy and C.C. sharing their food donations in the food pantry! (Oct 2024)

Muriel Wuillot and her fury friend bring in donations from the Nest Yoga fundraiser (Oct 2024)

C.C. dropping off her donations after the LincFam Halloween parade (Oct 2024)

To celebrate the two-year anniversary of The Nest Yoga Studio, Muriel Wuillot ran a wonderful food drive! (Oct 2024)

Thank you First Parish Lincoln for collecting food donations outside of Donelan's! (Oct 2024)

Connie and Steve Phillips delivered food from the Farrar Pond/Lincoln Ridge Fall Fest! (Oct 2024)

Thank you Charles, for the wonderful delivery of food donations! (October 2024)

Thank you for joining us for a night of live music at our 3rd annual spring outdoor concert! (June 2024)

Oh What a Night (SVdP VP, Chris Stirling)

Thank you to all the donors ... and winners ... of these beautiful raffle items! (June 2024)

... the pop hits of the all-start band of Berklee faculty and alum! (June 2024)

The blue grass swing of the Ruta Beggars! (June 2024)

The blue grass swing of the Ruta Beggars! (June 2024)

Thank you to the Doyle Family for their wonderful food drive! (July 2024)

Thanks to Jake Olander for standing in front of Brothers in Weston to collect food for us! (May 2024)

The Cotting School students came for their last job training today. What a wonderful collaboration! (May 2024)

Grateful for the SmileKits made by LincFam (March 2024)

the a capella sound of the Weston High School Town Criers (June 2024)

Some of our smallest volunteers make the biggest impact! Thank you to LNS (March 2024)

Some of our smallest volunteers make the biggest impact! Thank you to LNS (March 2024)

LincFam families delivery SmileKits to be distributed at the Food Pantry! (March 2024)

Thank you to The Lincoln Nursery School for their donations (March 2024)

Diana Smith and her granddaughter Julia ran a wonderful food drive! (Dec 2023)
Chris Knollmeyer offers his annual donation at Christmas time! (December 2023)

Knollmeyer Building Corp. and Greylock Roofing Co., Inc. donated 1,700 lbs to the Food Pantry! With such great spirits they helped shelve it all. Thank you! (Dec 2023)

The Joseph Warren Soley Mason Lodge in Lincoln gifted St. Vincent de Paul, among many other local organizations, with a donation. Thank you! (Nov 2023)

Karen Salvucci, SVdP President, receiving the Joseph Warren Soley Mason gift of $750 (Nov 2023)

Food drive carried out by the students of First Parish (October 2023)

Matthew Colsman with food from his neighborhood food drive (summer 2023)

Volunteers at the car award ceremony from Second Chance Cars for one of our clients. (Aug 2023)

After its biennial plant sale, the Lincoln Garden Club had plants left over, so they donated them to the SVdP food pantry for clients to take home. Belinda Goodrich and other club members put together about 20 planters with succulents and mini-hostas, and SVdP’s Ursula Nowak chipped in with some large colorful plants from her house. (June, 2023)

Brian Moll and Mara Bonde with her father! 'Grazing in the Grass' Concert Fundraiser (May 2023)

Crowds fill Pierce Park for the 2nd Annual 'Grazing in the Grass' Concert Fundraiser (May 2023)

The Kemp Harris Band at 'Grazing in the Grass' Concert Fundraiser (May 2023)

Christian Rougeau, from the band Juice, at 'Grazing in the Grass' Concert Fundraiser (May 2023)

Mara Bonde at 'Grazing in the Grass' Concert Fundraiser (May 2023)

Wonderful local raffle items at 'Grazing in the Grass' Concert Fundraiser (May 2023)

Kemp Harris at 'Grazing in the Grass' Concert Fundraiser (May 2023)

Lincoln Nursery School helping at the Pantry! (March 2023)

Lincoln School Teachers roll up their sleeves for the Food Pantry! (Winter 2023)

Lincoln Nursery School helping at the Pantry! (March 2023)

Jonathan Lopriore, a Senior at Syracuse, spent his week creating a flyer for the food drive and picking up donations from friends and family all throughout MA! (March 2023)

Shout out to a good man who did a good deed. We got locked out of the food pantry with clients and volunteers waiting outside. Victor from All in One Locksmith Inc. Boston, MA arrived, replaced 4 locks, made 8 keys, and refused payment. Thank you!

Alice DeNormandie and Margaret Olson delivering a huge Costco donation from the First Parish in Lincoln! (Winter 2022)

Karen Salvucci, SVdP President, joyfully collecting gifts for the Giving Tree project (Dec 2022)

Tomasina and Ursula preparing hundreds of gifts for our SVdP children. (Dec 2022)

Alpheen Menachery and her granddaughters - hearts and thanksgiving baskets overflow! (2022)

Gorgeous Thanksgiving pies donated by The Hyve - thank you! (2022)

Preparing beautiful thanksgiving day baskets for our SVdP families (2022)

More than one hundred thanksgiving baskets, generously prepared by our community for Thanksgiving 2022

Gratefulness in Action (2022)

First Parish Lincoln hosts a successful food drive (October 2022)

the Goddard School in Weston just donated a lot of much needed low sodium pasta sauces and soups as well as paper goods that the pantry normally has to purchase. Thank you! (October 2022)

Feel the Joy?? First Parish Lincoln hosts a food drive (October 2022)

Lincoln Boy Scouts host a food drive - thank you! (October 2022)

Weston PTO delivered three car loads of food donations - Thank you! (Fall, 2021)

Ursula Nowak inviting parishioners to join the "Every Mile Counts" walk, 2021

Parishioners from St. Anne's in-the-Fields share their happiness and faith by preparing 50 beautiful Easter baskets and nearly 100 bags of Easter treats for the SVdP families! (Christy O'Brien and Grace Coleman)

Thoughtfully offering non-dairy snack donations (Clymer family)

St. Anne's in-the-Fields Episcopal Church of Lincoln created and donated beautiful Easter baskets for SVdP children (2021)

Guess what the Lincoln Girls Scouts collected? Thank you 7th grade troop for a very successful food drive! (2021)

Cheryl Coates of Sudbury offering her hoppy-happy Easter baskets!

Nashoba Bakery of Concord generously donates a multitude of loaves

Delicious cheese and yogurt donations! (Julie and Lauren Driscoll)

Got milk? Yes! (thanks to Julie Palen)

Even our youngest volunteers help in BIG ways! (Sloan Berry stocking the refrigerator)

Easter 2021

Grateful for these dairy donations! (Mona Gill)

"Winter Clothing Drive" set-up crew takes a break for an early morning photo (and donut!)

Devon Das, Lincoln 9th grader, delivering food for the Project 351’s Food Bank Drive

Lincoln and Weston residents come together to walk for ‘Neighbors in Need’

Beautiful 'Giving Tree' generosity! Thomas and Joseph Ladosci offering their family's gifts

A beautiful display of generosity, more than 300 gifts given (St Julia Parish’s 2020 Giving Tree)

'Turkey Tin' distribution! (Larry Buell, Gretchen Covino, Karen Salvucci) 2020

Lincoln family generously donates milk (Coughlin Family)

Lincoln Boy Scout food drive - scouts checking expiration dates (Soukup Family)

Lincoln Family Association donated "Winter Cheer Kits" which included the fixings for delicious hot cocoa ~ Kyla creating a cheery craft to be included (2021)

SVdP partners with the First Parish of Lincoln to host our first "Winter Clothing Drive" to benefit our neighbors (2021)

SVdP Walk for 'Neighbors in Need' (2018)

A truckload of foods donated by very generous Weston resident! (Julie Palen)

Weston high schoolers and Lincoln middle schooler stocking the shelves (Lily Swanson, Natalie Ladocsi and Violet Lucchese)

Weston and Wayland Rotary Club Provides Summertime Watermelons (Mark Messina, Ursula Nowak, Catherine Bassick)

Karen Boyce accepting 530 lbs of food donations from Devon Das' 'Project 351’s Food Bank' project

Lincoln Family Association outdoor benefit concert (Chris Leadbetter and Kat Chapman) Summer 2020

Corey Flint Photography "Front Steps Project" to benefit SVdP (Lucchese family) www.coreyflint.com

Long-time SVdP volunteer delivers food from Land’s Sake Farm (Pat Dacey)

Lincoln-Sudbury High School Friends of Music snack donation (Allie Schwartz, Tomasina Lucchese and Dan Schwartz)

St Julia’s Faith Formation group helps prepare for Thanksgiving (2019)

Proud installation of our much-needed food pantry awning (Chris Knollmeyer and Karen Boyce)
SVdP member preparing the produce for distribution (Bob Lewis)

Founding SVdP members prepare to move into the new food pantry space (Nancy Cronin, Jane Thomas and Eleanor Igoe)

Lincoln teens volunteer their time by putting together Food Pantry shelving (Peter Covino and Jude Lucchese)

Lincoln-Sudbury high schoolers deliver food collected from their food drive (Henry Darnal and Andrew Craig)

St. Anne's in-the-Fields Episcopal Church of Lincoln created and donated beautiful Easter baskets for SVdP clients (2021)

Weston high schoolers organize a food drive (Natalie Ladocsi and Lily Swanson)

Drumlin Farm delivering local produce (Summer 2020)
Lincoln mother and daughter host a “Flower and Herb” drive to benefit SVdP (Kyla Chapman)

Lincoln Girl Scouts organize a July 4th cookie donation (Ariana Shokrollahi and Elaine Papoulias)

Corey Flint Photography “Front Steps Project” to benefit SVdP (photo collage of Lincoln families) www.coreyflint.com

Corey Flint Photography "Halloween Smiles" to benefit SVdP www.coreyflint.com

Corey Flint Photography "Halloween Smiles" to benefit SVdP www.coreyflint.com

SVdP Booth! (Nancy Cronin, Chris Brandt, Karen Boyce, Ursula Nowak)

Easter 2021, thanks to St Anne's in-the-Fields

Every Mile Counts, SVdP Walk 2021!

Preparing for the Spring Clothing Drive, 2021

Setting up for the Spring Clothing Drive, 2021

Spring Clothing Drive at First Parish, 2021

Teens helping Spring Clothing Drive set-up , 2021

Sorting crew for the Spring Clothing Drive, 2021

'Every Mile Counts' SVdP Walk, Sept 2021

'Every Mile Counts' SVdP Walk, Sept 2021

'Every Mile Counts' SVdP Walk, Sept 2021

'Every Mile Counts' SVdP Walk, Sept 2021

'Every Mile Counts' SVdP Walk, Sept 2021

'Every Mile Counts' SVdP Walk, Sept 2021

'Every Mile Counts' SVdP Walk, Sept 2021

'Every Mile Counts' SVdP Walk, Sept 2021

'Every Mile Counts' SVdP Walk, Sept 2021

'Every Mile Counts' SVdP Walk, Sept 2021

SVdP members at the 'Every Mile Counts' Walk, Sept 2021

Father Mark offering a blessing at the SVdP Walk, Sept 2021

'Every Mile Counts' SVdP Walk, Sept 2021

'Every Mile Counts' SVdP Walk, Sept 2021

'Every Mile Counts' SVdP Walk, Sept 2021

'Every Mile Counts' SVdP Walk, Sept 2021

'Every Mile Counts' SVdP Walk, Sept 2021

'Every Mile Counts' SVdP Walk, Sept 2021

Clean up at the SVdP Walk, Sept 2021

Ice cream treats after the SVdP Walk, Sept 2021

'Every Mile Counts' SVdP Walk, Sept 2021

Relaxing after the SVdP Walk, Sept 2021

'Every Mile Counts' SVdP Walk, Sept 2021

'Every Mile Counts' SVdP Walk, Sept 2021

Clean up help, SVdP Walk, Sept 2021

'Every Mile Counts' SVdP Walk, Sept 2021

'Every Mile Counts' SVdP Walk, Sept 2021

Christine Brandt receiving an award for more than a decade of SVdP leadership and service. Sept 2021

Bagging food - earlier days! (Bryn Walsh, Norm Edgerton, Eleanor Igoe, Nancy Cronin, Rich Theriault, Marge Ackerman. Ursula Nowak - Jan 2016)

Devon Das, a L-S sophomore, is part of is part of Project 351 and organized a food drive to benefit SVdP for the second year in a row. (Devon and his dad, Bikul, Dec 2021)

LincFam donated food for the holidays! (Lauren Lane and baby Jasper, Mo Masterson Santamaria with Iggy, Nano and Ama. Dec 2021)

Nano and Iggy drawing a name for the lucky winner of a fully decorated Christmas tree! (Thank you Masterson Santamaria family - Dec 2021)
Thank you! Lincoln Family Association spreads warmth and cheer with hot cocoa kits! (February 2021)
Congratulations SVdP! The Rivers School in Weston awarded SVdP a grant to assist clients with special dietary needs. (March 2021)